Welcome to Employment Commons! Together with ForUsAll, we're bringing Employment Commons members an exclusive Solo 401(k) plan, tailor-made for freelancers like you.
At just $6/mo, this plan can help you save up to $69,000 pre-tax per year - potentially saving you thousands in taxes!
Create an account and tell us a little about your company.
We’ll help you customize the plan so it works for you and your goals
Set the amount you want to save and we'll coordinate with Employment Commons
We keep it simple for you and don’t charge setup fees. That’s because low fees mean more saving – which is the whole point of a 401(k).
Simple core menu with optional self-directed windows provide more opportunities for potential growth, diversification and customization. Access to stocks, bonds, ETFs and even crypto.
DAVE gives your employees smart, actionable answers to their questions and is a valuable supplement to ForUsAll's human advisors.
Fully-automatic administration that comes with full fiduciary protection: 3(38) Investment Fiduciary + 3(16) Administrative Fiduciary.
The easiest and safest 401(k) plan for companies looking to attract top talent or maximize tax savings for owners. Best of all, you can automatically pass year end non-discrimination tests.
Safe Harbor 401(k) plans can be customized for a broad range of budgets.